Big News!

Tin Star Moments is now Sarah Hillen Photography!

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Say what?! Why the name change?

Well, the scope of my business has changed! It’s not the same as it was when I started in 2012 and I’m pleased to announce that this is a very good thing. My business has grown and evolved and broadened in the best ways possible and I want nothing more but for this trend to continue!

If you know me, or if I’ve ever had the pleasure of photographing you, you know that I genuinely enjoy taking the photograph.. capturing what’s real.. documenting and detailing the moment. It is truly an honor to be able to deliver tangible memories. I’ve been blessed with the absolute best clients over the years and I’ve also had the good fortune to assist other photographers. Doing so has cultivated some pretty great partnerships and has led to an opportunity to be an Associate Photographer for an esteemed colleague. With pride and excitement I join the Alyssa Christine Photography team and will photograph engagements and weddings for her clients, while continuing to provide portrait and wedding photography for my own. Nothing about Tin Star Moments as you know it has changed or will be changing (aside from the name, of course!). It’s just the behind-the-scenes creative support I provide other photographers that I’m putting forth into the light! Any opportunity to photograph (for myself or anyone else) is one I want to be first in line for and Sarah Hillen Photography will simply better help other creatives to find me.

Cheers to new beginnings, friends!
